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Louise Stubbs

ONH talks planning at Society of Local Council Clerks events

The ONH team joined the SLCC at two recent events to talk planning. The first SLCC Local Council Clerk Expo took place on 12th June in Coventry, and of course, ONH was there to support them. This event was free for clerks to attend and a great opportunity to meet with suppliers from a range of different services.

Our friendly team said that many of the clerks they met were concerned about upcoming development sites and how to approach them. Queries ranged from how to deliver a community site, being involved in making representation to a Local Plan, becoming a rule 6 party at appeal and reviewing Neighbourhood Plans.

Feedback from the event was excellent, with many clerks commenting on the advantages of the informal atmosphere and practical sessions.

Next up was the SLCC Planning Themed Summit in July. ONH sponsored this event and hosted a podcast-style question-and-answer session during the day. The summit was held online which minimised travel for delegates and enabled participants to dip in and out of sessions which interested them most, allowing busy clerks and councillors to deal with those unexpected issues that sometimes arise. ONH shared success stories from around the country and the benefits to communities when Councils engage with the planning system. Questions on the day included how to pick your planning battles and where, as well as practical changes clerks could make to enable more efficient responses to planning applications.

There's a short break before the next ONH event, but if you would like to speak to us for advice or support in any planning matter, from our affordable professional planning advocacy team, please do get in touch.

The ONH stall at the SLCC Expo

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